Our Solutions
Growth > Pre-Launch
Evaluate the results of your promotional investment versus your competition
Analyze the prescription market through a built-in and consolidated platform across Latin America
Evaluate your country´s total market and the impact of promotion on your sales
Monitor special drugs focusing on the indication of each product
Forecast the potential sales of your product based on the market and compare it with your competition
Anticipate and establish close links with future high potential prescribers in your market
Expand your network of influence based on strategies aimed at Key Opinion Leaders or referring physicians in the sector
Evaluate the opportunities offered by the market and that you can reach from effective sales actions
Evaluate your portfolio performance and plan for the future based on objective criteria
Evaluate your portfolio and receive a diagnosis to optimize your performance
Evaluate the performance of your product from the beginning of its promotion to its sale
Perform data analysis with descriptive, predictive and prescriptive character