Solutions > Consulting


Pharmacy and Physician Switch Analysis

Evaluate which physicians have low prescription-to-sales conversion and why

  • icon● Evaluation of the product sales and prescription data at each point of sale, comparing the market share of the prescription and the demand
  • icon● Estimate of the product switch at each point of sale, classifying it as: very high, high, medium, low and very low
  • icon● Evaluation of the physicians most affected by the switch at each point of sale
  • icon● Classification of points of sale according to switch level
  • icon● Classification of physicians most affected by switch level
  • icon● Definition of strategies to minimize the switch

Solutions > Consulting

Pharmacy and Physician Switch Analysis

Evaluate which physicians have low prescription-to-sales conversion and why

  • icon● Evaluation of the product sales and prescription data at each point of sale, comparing the market share of the prescription and the demand
  • icon● Estimate of the product switch at each point of sale, classifying it as: very high, high, medium, low and very low
  • icon● Evaluation of the physicians most affected by the switch at each point of sale
  • icon● Classification of points of sale according to switch level
  • icon● Classification of physicians most affected by switch level
  • icon● Definition of strategies to minimize the switch
  • Pharmacy and Physician Switch Analysis